More Of: Stories that offer us 'more of ' the 40K universe: focusing on war/grimdark (bolter-porn of Ultramarines V Orks), extending exisiting narratives (see below) or the stories of existing characters. I would also include within this attempts to write in a self-conscious BL style (maybe for publications, maybe for security).
More From: attempts to situate a story within the W40K universe, but to tell a story different than the typical BL-fare (what I termed 'Refocusing the Camera' below)
More Than: (thanks for Sholto for suggesting this) where the author rejects the canon and attempts to tell a different story (the whole Horus Heresy was just a dream and Horus wakes up from a nightmare a la A Thief in the Night) or where they try really skew the canon in a different direction. Im guessing that humour could also be fitted in here as the author seems to be saying 'forget all this grimdark, lets have a laugh at it all'. I would also include stories here that tried to re-read non-40K stories through the lens of 40K. Possible examples:
Calming the Daemonhost by Dan Pickens (Disney's Beauty and the Beast re-read through W40K)
Harry Potter and the Embrace of Chaos by Solvdrage (HP/40K crossover)
The Emperor's Key by Mountain King (Buffy/40K crossover)
Primarchs by Lastie (a comedic take on the Primarchs)
It's All in the (Chaotic) Family by Vyce Dryke (another 40K comedy)
This is all pretty fluid though still...
For a humour-filled take on the Horus Heresy, may I recommend Ballistichimp's 'Heresy Begins With a Word'?